Senin, 20 Maret 2017


Telnet commands

The telnet commands allow you to communicate with a remote computer that is using the Telnet protocol. You can run telnet without parameters in order to enter the telnet context, indicated by the Telnet prompt (telnet>). From the Telnet prompt, use the following commands to manage a computer running Telnet Client.
The tlntadmn commands allow you to remotely manage a computer running Telnet Server. These commands are run from the command prompt. Used without parameters, tlntadmn displays local server settings.
To use telnet commands at the Telnet prompt
To start Telnet Client and to enter the Telnet prompt


telnet [\\RemoteServer]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server to which you want to connect.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • Used without parameters, telnet starts Telnet Client.
  • When you are at the Telnet prompt, you must use Telnet commands.
To stop Telnet Client






  • You can abbreviate this command to q.
To connect Telnet Client to a remote computer


open [\\RemoteServer] [Port]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
Port   Specifies the port that you want to use. If you do not specify a port, the default port is assumed.


  • You can abbreviate this command to o.


To connect to remote server Redmond through port number 44, type:
o redmond 44
To disconnect Telnet Client from a remote computer


close [\\RemoteServer]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.


  • You can abbreviate this command to c.


To disconnect from remote server Redmond, type:
c redmond 44
To set Telnet Client options 


set [\\RemoteServer] [ntlm] [localecho] [term {ansi | vt100 | vt52 | vtnt}] [escape Character] [logfile FileName] [logging] [bsasdel] [crlf] [delasbs] [mode {console | stream}] [?


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
ntlm   Turns on NTLM authentication if it is available on the remote server.
localecho   Turns on local echo.
term { ansi vt100 vt52 vtnt Sets the terminal to the specified type.
escape   Character   Sets the escape character. The escape character can be a single character, or it can be a combination of the CTRL key plus a character. To set a control-key combination, hold down CTRL while you type the character that you want to assign.
logfile FileName   Sets the file to be used for logging Telnet activity. The log file must be on your local computer. Logging begins automatically when you set this option.
logging   Turns on logging. If no log file is set, an error message appears.
bsasdel   Sets BACKSPACE to be sent as delete.
crlf   Sets the new line mode, which causes the ENTER key to send 0x0D, 0x0A.
delasbs   Sets DELETE to be sent as backspace.
mode { console stream Sets the mode of operation.
?   Allows you to view the complete syntax for this command.


  • To turn off an option that was previously set, at the Telnet prompt, type:
    unset [Option]
  • To set the escape character, type:
    e Character
  • On non-English versions of Telnet, the codeset Option is available. Codeset Option sets the current code set to an option, which can be any one of the following: Shift JISJapanese EUCJIS Kanji, JIS Kanji (78)DEC KanjiNEC Kanji. You should set the same code set on the remote computer.
To send Telnet Client commands 


send [\\RemoteServer] [ao] [ayt] [esc] [ip] [synch] [?]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
ao   Aborts output command.
ayt   Sends an "Are you there?" command.
esc   Sends the current escape character.
ip   Interrupts the process command.
synch   Performs the Telnet sync operation.
?   Allows you to view the complete syntax for this command.
To view the current settings for the Telnet client 






  • The display command lists the currently operating parameters for the Telnet client. If you are in a Telnet session (in other words, if you are connected to a Telnet server), you can exit the Telnet session to modify the parameters by pressing CTRL+]. To return to the Telnet session, press ENTER.
To use tlntadmn commands at the command prompt
To administer a computer running Telnet Server


tlntadmn [\\RemoteServer] [start] [stop] [pause] [continue]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
start   Starts Telnet Server.
stop   Stops Telnet Server.
pause   Interrupts Telnet Server.
continue   Resumes Telnet Server.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server using the tlntadmn commands if both computers are running Windows XP. You can not use the tlntadmn commands to remotely administer a computer running Windows 2000 and Telnet Server from a computer that is running Windows XP.
To administer Telnet sessions


tlntadmn [\\RemoteServer] [-s] [-k{SessionID | all}] [-m {SessionID | all"Message"


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
-s   Displays active Telnet sessions.
-k { SessionID all Terminates sessions. Type the session ID to terminate a specific session, or type all to terminate all sessions.
-m { SessionID all " Message "   Sends a message to one or more sessions. Type the session ID to send a message to a specific session, or type all to send a message to all sessions. Type the message that you want to send between quotation marks (that is, "Message").
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server using the tlntadmn commands if both computers are running Windows XP. You can not use the tlntadmn commands to remotely administer a computer running Windows 2000 and Telnet Server from a computer that is running Windows XP.
To set logging options on a computer running Telnet Server


tlntadmn [\\RemoteServerconfig [auditlocation={eventlog | file | both}] [audit=[{+ | -}admin][{+ | -}user][{+ | -}fail]]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
auditlocation= { eventlog file both Specifies whether to send event information to Event Viewer, to a file, or to both.
audit= [{ + - } admin ][{ + - } user ][{ + - } fail Specifies which events you want to audit (administrative logon events, user logon events, or failed logon attempts). To audit events of a particular type, type a plus sign (+) before that event type. To stop auditing events of a particular type, type a minus sign (-) before that event type.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server using the tlntadmn commands if both computers are running Windows XP. You can not use the tlntadmn commands to remotely administer a computer running Windows 2000 and Telnet Server from a computer that is running Windows XP.
  • If you specify where to send event information without specifying which type or types of information to audit, only information about administrative logon events will be audited and sent to the location that you specified.


To send event information to Event Viewer, type:
tlntadmn config auditlocation=eventlog
To audit administrative logon events and failed logon attempts, type:
tlntadmn config audit=+admin +fail
To set the default domain on a computer running Telnet Server


tlntadmn [\\RemoteServerconfig [dom=DomainName]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
dom= DomainName   Specifies the domain that you want to make the default domain.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server using the tlntadmn commands if both computers are running Windows XP. You can not use the tlntadmn commands to remotely administer a computer running Windows 2000 and Telnet Server from a computer that is running Windows XP.


To make Redmond the default domain on your local server, type:
tlntadmn config dom=Redmond
To map the Alt key on a computer running Telnet Server


tlntadmn [\\RemoteServerconfig [ctrlakeymap={yes | no}]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
ctrlakeymap= { yes no Specifies whether you want Telnet Server to interpret CTRL+A as ALT. Type yes to map the shortcut key, or type no to prevent mapping.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server using the tlntadmn commands if both computers are running Windows XP. You can not use the tlntadmn commands to remotely administer a computer running Windows 2000 and Telnet Server from a computer that is running Windows XP.
  • If you do not map the ALT key, Telnet Server does not send the ALT key to applications that might rely on that key.
To set the maximum number of connections on a computer running Telnet Server


tlntadmn [\\RemoteServerconfig [maxconn=PositiveInteger]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
maxconn= PositiveInteger   Sets the maximum number of connections. You must specify this number with a positive integer that is smaller than 10 million.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server using the tlntadmn commands if both computers are running Windows XP. You can not use the tlntadmn commands to remotely administer a computer running Windows 2000 and Telnet Server from a computer that is running Windows XP.
To set the maximum number of failed logon attempts on a computer running Telnet Server


tlntadmn [\\RemoteServerconfig [maxfail=PositiveInteger]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
maxfail= PositiveInteger   Sets the maximum number of failed logon attempts that a user is allowed. You must specify this number with a positive integer that is smaller than 100.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server using the tlntadmn commands if both computers are running Windows XP. You can not use the tlntadmn commands to remotely administer a computer running Windows 2000 and Telnet Server from a computer that is running Windows XP.
To set the mode of operation on a computer running Telnet Server


tlntadmn [\\RemoteServerconfig [mode={console | stream}]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name for the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
mode= { console stream Specifies the mode of operation.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server using the tlntadmn commands if both computers are running Windows XP. You can not use the tlntadmn commands to remotely administer a computer running Windows 2000 and Telnet Server from a computer that is running Windows XP.
To set the Telnet port on a computer running Telnet Server


tlntadmn [\\RemoteServerconfig [port=IntegerValue]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
port= IntegerValue   Sets the Telnet port. You must specify the port with an integer smaller than 1,024.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server using the tlntadmn commands if both computers are running Windows XP. You can not use the tlntadmn commands to remotely administer a computer running Windows 2000 and Telnet Server from a computer that is running Windows XP.
To set the methods of authentication on a computer running Telnet Server


tlntadmn [\\RemoteServerconfig [sec=[{+ | -}ntlm][{+ | -}passwd]]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
sec= [{ + - } ntlm ][{ + - } passwd Specifies whether you want to use NTLM, a password, or both to authenticate logon attempts. To use a particular type of authentication, type a plus sign (+) before that type of authentication. To prevent using a particular type of authentication, type a minus sign (-) before that type of authentication.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server using the tlntadmn commands if both computers are running Windows XP. You can not use the tlntadmn commands to remotely administer a computer running Windows 2000 and Telnet Server from a computer that is running Windows XP.
  • NTLM is the authentication protocol for transactions between two computers where one or both computers is running Windows NT 4.0 or an earlier version. In addition, NTLM is the authentication protocol for computers that are not participating in a domain, such as stand-alone servers and workgroups.
To set the time-out for idle sessions on a computer running Telnet Server


tlntadmn [\\RemoteServerconfig [timeout=hh:mm:ss]


\\ RemoteServer   Specifies the name of the server that you want to manage. If you do not specify a server, the local server is assumed.
timeout= hh : mm : ss   Sets the time-out period in hours, minutes, and seconds.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server using the tlntadmn commands if both computers are running Windows XP. You can not use the tlntadmn commands to remotely administer a computer running Windows 2000 and Telnet Server from a computer that is running Windows XP.

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